Borat is coming

Zur Story. Borat ist von seiner Regierung auserwählt worden mit seinem Produzenten nach Amerika, das Land der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten zu fliegen, um dort die amerikanische Kultur und dessen Vorzüge kennenzulernen. Das kasachische Volk wird es ihm danken. Im kulturellen Austausch bringt Borat natürlich auch kasachische Tradition mit ins Land. Das Aufeinandertreffen der unterschiedlichen Kulturstandards wird entweder durch gestellte Szenen oder durch echte Interviews, die Borat mit Passanten, Sprachtrainern, U-Bahn Gästen oder Rodeobesuchern führt, gezeigt. Humor auf Kosten anderer bleibt dabei natürlich nicht aus.

Scott Weinberg Review
Some might take offense to some of the material found in Borat, as it's rife with jokes about nasty old Jewish stereotypes and the "inequality" of woman and the like. Me, I choose to look at it a different way (and with a name like Weinberg, I'm obviously Jewish) -- Borat's absurdity and ignorance serves a reflection of our own, only Cohen take great pleasure in pointing out how moronic racism, sexism, and anti-Semitism truly are. Plus his "backwoods foreigner" routine really does bring out the latent ugliness in a lot of people. (Watch how Cohen subtly extracts some horrifically unkind gay-bashing from a "normal Joe" cowboy dude.)
Frankly I laughed more often during "Borat" than I have at all of 2006's multiplex comedies combined. It's so shockingly, brazenly funny that I'm stunned to see a studio like Fox embrace the flick. Here's hoping they don't trim one second of its 82 minutes before its theatrical release.
User Comment on IMDBBorat kommt bei uns am 02. Nov in die Kinos. (Offizielle Homepage)
It is offensive, not funny, and just an absolute waste of time. I think this movie will only be appreciated by people of low intelligence and bigots. I am not a narrow minded person, but this film manages to offend everyone in a scant hour and a half.
Categories: Kinonews, Trailer,
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